What a Difference a Year Makes

Fort Point

Originally uploaded by petite sunflower.

Yes, it really has been a year. I could say that I have been too busy living life to post about it but I will not go there. The past year has had it’s share of ups and downs, mostly ups:)

Not to worry, I won’t try to recap a whole year. I didn’t really think that anyone read my posts here until I started getting emails from friends and family. Fortunately my flickr feed is current so at least there is a record of the past year in pictures, and you know what they say about pictures.


We saw the movie 300 tonight and I was more than impressed. Oh, did I mention that we saw it on the Imax screen? Spartan men in leather speedos wielding swords, I have died and gone to heaven! But seriously, this movie is one of the best epics that I have seen lately. There was a lot of blood and a few be-headings but other than that it is a fine movie for the kids. NOT!!!!! Find a sitter this movie is not for kids or those that are week kneed. I can’t wait until this movie comes out on DVD. Another trip to see it on the Imax screen may be necessary.

A New Year

Life has been a roller coaster over the last few weeks. Kids definitely keep you busy during the holidays. There is the whole gift giving thing while trying to teach them the true meaning behind the holiday. For many people the new year signifies a new beginning, a chance to wash yourself clean of the previous year. I have no resolutions this year I plan to go with the flow and enjoy the ride.


Happy Thanksgiving

I would like to take a moment to give thanks for all of the people and things that make my life so fucking awsome. I am thankful for friends past and present those that are here and those that have passed on. I am thankful for my family both immediate and extended. I am thankful for a life full of surprises, joy, and contentment. I am thankful for what is yet to come. I am thankful for experiences past. I am thankful for my three beautiful children and my bad ass husband. Everyone always asks me why I am always so happy, well if you had the kick ass full of adventure life that I do, you would walk around with a smile on your face too.

I am thankful for true friends that make my life sparkle. I am thankful for false friends because without you I would never know how truly fortunate I am. I realize that some people can’t help being a dark cloud and their only joy comes from spreading misery. It is my sincere wish that that these people find what they are so desperately searching for.

Be happy, be alive, be joyful, be thankful. Don’t forget to spread it around.


So, it’s been a while. October is turning out to be a busy month and I am finding myself having to turn down invitations to one event just so that I can attend another. The stress level is pretty low so I can’t really complain. We all went to Muir Woods today. This was Amelie’s first real hike and she was a little trooper. We didn’t hike all the way to Stinson Beach but I predict that by next spring all three kids will be up for the hike. I have pics that I will upload to Flikr tomorrow.

49ers vs Rams Opening Game

You can’t tell by looking at this picture, but we are very sunburned. We went to the 49ers opening game and it turned out to be a veeeerrrry warm day. Good times!!!


I turned 35 a couple of days ago. Instead of celebrating just one day I have decided to extend my birthday celebration for 35 days. I’m not talking about presents and parties but rather a quiet inner celebration. Iv’e come a long way over the last 35 years and I am quite proud of my accomplishments. As silly as this may sound, I finally feel like an adult.

Something in the Air

Fall is my favorite time of year and it is fast approaching. Fall reminds me of dirty martini’s and warm San Francisco nights.

Building a Better Mouse Trap or Body

It has been two years since I gave birth to Amelie. The process of getting my body back has been long and hard with lots of backsliding. As I look in the mirror I am beginning to see the body of the woman I was before, I smile at this because the process has been soooooo slow. I still have some work to do but I am happy with the sexy woman that now stares back at me. Ok, with that said I am off to go work out!!!

Standing in the Shadow of Reality

I will celebrate my 35th birthday next week. I don’t dred or fear getting older, in fact I look forward to every year I get to spend above ground. For me 35 is a very signifigant milestone, one that I have been looking forward to, I feel that I am baked to perfection.
I don’t feel that I need to explain myself to anyone for anything that I do. I find that I am aware of what people may think of me but I really don’t care. I no longer waste my time with shallow people or empty friendships. I am very selective about who I allow into my life and the friends that I have now are genuine and real.

I’m not planning a huge event to celebrate, but since this is such a signifigant milestone for me I plan to celebrate the whole month of september.